Administration Information President ProvostMary BlackExecutive VP, Chief Strategy OfficerDr. Sarah KottichVP, Enrollment, Marketing & CommunicationsJodi SilottoVP, Student Affairs Dr. Wallace Southerland IIIChief Human Resources OfficerTodd RayUniversity RegistrarMΓ΅ire FoxxAssistant VP, Financial ServicesAmy BesserAssistant VP, Alumni & DevelopmentMandi PodeschiAssistant VP, Alumni & Donor EngagementAlyse KnustDean, College of Arts & SciencesDr. Nancy CurtinDean, College of Fine ArtsCameron JacksonDean, Tabor School of BusinessRJ PodeschiDean, College of Professional StudiesAndrew SmithExec. Director, Marketing & CommunicationsKylee RoneyDirector, Athletics (Interim)Bryan MarshallDirector, Information TechnologyErik SchroederDirector, Kirkland Fine Arts CenterBryan DiverDirector, Staley LibraryAmanda Pippitt Administration Human Resources Board of Trustees Faculty and Staff Directory Office of the President Office of the Provost Student Affairs